Pic credit: Cool Cabanas
Try these expert tips to boost your wellbeing this summer – they might even take up less of your time, leaving you more moments to enjoy your day.
Skincare: Keep it clean
Sun, sweat, and sunscreen in summer means your skin will benefit from gentle, extra cleansing to lift off the sticky feeling summer skin has. Don’t forget daily sunscreen, it’s your skin saviour in so many ways. For gentle exfoliation, use Mavala Beauty Enhancing Micro-Peel twice a week – it gives an immediate radiant glow, and your skin will feel smoother and take make up better too.
Refresh your skin with Mavala Vitalizing Alpine Micro-Mist - spray on face before your day care routine, and all day long at the first signs of fatigue. For really warm weather, keep it in the fridge and treat your skin to a spritz throughout the day.
Mindfulness: Try a ‘To-Don’t list’
The ABC reported on a new way of thinking when you’re struggling to find time – a to-don’t list, from Rachel Botsman, a Trust Fellow from Oxford University. Items on Botsman's list include: not scheduling meetings between 8am and 11am and not doing ‘favours’ because you feel bad.
‘The purpose of a to-don't list is to reflect on habits you want to break or things you want to do differently,’ says Dr Imber, an organisational psychologist. ‘Obviously, there are things in life that do drain me, but I have to say yes to them because as a mother, for example, some things just have to get done. But a lot of the time, when I think about the things that are draining me, they're things that I can either stop doing or that I can delegate,’ explains Dr Imber.
Pic credit: Dr Beverly Pedroche
Healthy eating: Change up your ingredients
Hit the library for excellent healthy eating tips and ingredient swaps – why? You can pick and choose dishes, chefs, and styles of food that suit you and your family from shelves and shelves of choice in the library, and make up your own meal plan or do the same online, and make your favourite dishes healthier. Donna Hay’s book Everyday Fresh calls it better-for-you recipes. Still tasty, but healthier.
Pic credit: Donna Hay
Exercise: Stop waiting for motivation
Running legend, survivor and motivational speaker, Turia Pitt has some excellent tips on ‘getting motivated’, something she says we shouldn’t get hung up on. ‘One of the biggest myths I see is the idea that you need motivation to start. To start running. To start writing a book. To launch that side hustle. But it’s actually the other way around - you start, and that gives you motivation. Action is both the cause and effect of motivation’. Start by doing some squats while you brush your teeth or wait for your coffee to brew. Experts agree it’s making small, achievable changes that make the big difference.
Pic credit: Turia Pitt