5 things to do now to look after your nails

β€œLife is not perfect. But your nails can be.”

We all want healthy, conditioned and neat-looking nails. Nails are always on the front line of duty, so follow these simple steps to keep your nails in check and protected. 

#1: Ditch synthetic nails

Pic credit: Isobel Larkin

Pic credit: Isobel Larkin

Ditch synthetic nail treatments in favour of a natural approach. Long-term use of artificial nails will weaken them, through chemical exposure and literal suffocation of the nail, which is worsened by picking or peeling them off – so avoid at all costs. If you need to remove at home, buff each nail before wrapping in acetone-soaked cotton wool pad (covered in foil) for 10 minutes. Then use a hoof stick to gently push the polish off the nail.  

#2: Focus on repair

Dedicate time to consistent repair and rehabilitation. Use targeted product to nurture the nails, like a topical cream that can be massaged into the nail root to infuse it with extra growth boosting ingredients. If nails are particularly weak and flaky, apply a dedicated, penetrating nail hardener to improve nail strength and resistance to breakage. 

#3: Keep nails short

Short nails are simply easier to clean and maintain. As we get older, the longer the nails grow, the drier the nails become. The result is that the nail, having lost its "glue" (moisture and oil), starts to lift apart and the nail flakes. Don't use your nails as tools. They won't put up with being used to scratch labels off jars or tear open packages. 

Pic credit: Jocelyn Petroni

Pic credit: Jocelyn Petroni

#4: Choose your antibacterial sanitiser wisely and steer clear of harsh chemicals

Frequent sanitiser use is essential but using poor quality formulas will strip nails and hands of moisture. Look for more gentle products that contain essential oils. Overuse of acetone can also cause nails to dry out. Switch to a low or nil acetone remover and try to use once to twice a week only.

#5: Make cuticle oil your best friend

Its no secret cuticle oil is beneficial for nails. Use it all over the nail, right down and around to the cuticles. It’s a great way of keeping the whole area nourished and preventing dryness. This is also ideal for making cuticles thinner and more malleable, a great product to apply to the nails overnight for moisture to soak in.