Pic credit: Halcyon House
After the rush of Christmas and before the dawning of a new year, invest the time to set up a plan for 2023 for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Our buckets certainly need to be replenished if we are to be a reserve of support for family, friends and the community. Focus on what you can control, thereby improving your mindset and positive outlook for the year ahead. Setting small, intentional and achievable goals becomes a roadmap for momentum and larger achievements.
Energy and Vitality
There is so much truth to the age-old adage ‘your health is your wealth’. Energy and vitality is everything, from setting up a positive mindset to giving you the ability to navigate the demands of the day. Think about how best to keep your body in optimum condition, doing what you love and what works for you. Whether that is weekly walks with a friend or joining a local tennis club, be intentional about how you are planning to keep fit. Alongside this important discipline, is fuelling your body with a range of healthy, nutrient rich foods and washed down with 2 litres of water a day to keep the energy momentum going.
Pic credit: Vita-Sol
Every day our energy can be sapped by so many unnecessary areas from social media overload to people pleasing. It’s okay to step back and just be, living and celebrating in the moment. Don’t forget to rest when your body needs it, by taking time out with a magazine and cup of tea or re-energising with an afternoon powernap. Soothe your weary body with experiences in nature, a beach-side stroll, a hike in the bush, a dip in the ocean or watching a sunrise or sunset.
Mental wellbeing
Our brain is such an important body part to care for and invest in. Trying to be a superwoman by being ‘busy’, coping with a mental overload and multi-tasking to within an inch of our lives is not a way to live in harmony. In fact, it’s counterintuitive, resulting in poor productivity. Carve out time in your diary to achieve what is needed to be done, including scheduling time for yourself and spending time alone to reflect. If it all gets and feels too much, ask for help. By talking to someone, not only does it relieve the burden but also is a solutions-based approach to overcoming a problem. Keep a journal to empty your thoughts into and monitor your mental wellbeing.
Smile and find the humour in all situations, a light-hearted approach to things goes a long way in defusing stress levels… there is always a solution for everything. Fill your mind with a healthy diet of great thoughts, your mind will grow strong by what you have fed it. Build mental muscle through hobbies, the arts, wide-reading, music and exposing yourself to people wiser than you – it will make you wise.
Pic credit: Morgan Harper Nichols
Emotional wellbeing
Your heart health is vital. Take the time to evaluate who you are and the things that truly fill your emotional cup. Cultivating meaningful relationships plus bonds with family and friends builds a network of emotional support. Be intentional and generous with your relations, investing the time, care and thought to make a difference in people’s lives. Serving and loving others does wonders for the soul. Take a look around, the opportunities to serve others are limitless. Staying active within and connected to the community is crucial to emotional well-being and general longevity. What are you grateful for today? It is said that people who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.