Beauty sleep… is a real thing


A good night’s sleep is not only the secret to feeling well-rested, confident and buzzing the next morning but a critical ingredient in the fight against skin ageing. We chatted to Australia’s leading Sleep Expert Olivia Arezzolo to gain a little more understanding on what happens to our skin when we sleep (or don’t get enough of it!) and on how best to improve beauty sleep.

Collagen Boost

Research shows that 70% of collagen is produced in deep sleep, which impacts skin texture, tone and firmness. The optimum release time for this is during deep (or slow wave) sleep between the hours of 10pm-2pm, so make sure you are asleep during these skin rejuvenating hours. 

Youthful, glowing skin

At night, the skin goes into maximum repair mode to recover from the assaults of the sun, pollution and stress from during the day. Sleep is anti-inflammatory, a skin repairing savior, causing increased cell renewal and activity. It’s best to accelerate this process by applying nourishing skincare products like an active serum or rich overnight mask. Research shows that inadequate sleep impairs your skin’s ability to ‘bounce back’ by 30%.

Brighter, less puffy eyes

Lack of restorative sleep can leave your eyes looking puffy – when we have poor or little sleep, our body becomes stressed and produces more cortisol, which in turn changes the salt balance in your system and can lead you to retain water, hence the puffiness.  Dark circles reflect poor circulation, which is in part due to lack of sleep.

What does sleep deprivation do to your face?

Your face mirrors a shortage of quality sleep – you look tired, skin is dull or lacklustre and eyes come with pesky dark circles and a lack of sparkle. Research shows that sleep deprivation increases (skin) inflammation - enhancing your likelihood of acne, enlarged pores, psoriasis and eczema; plus impeding your natural healing processes. 

How can you improve beauty sleep?

  • Disconnect from tech. Create a relaxing environment to slow everything down – listen to a meditation podcast while burning lavender oil.

  • Apply a sleeping mask that you can leave on overnight. That is after you have removed all makeup and thoroughly cleansed your face.

  • Paint your nails for mindfulness and a touch of zen.

  • Deep breathe for 10 minutes – while your nails are drying. 

  • Have a glass of water before bed to keep your skin hydrated from the inside.

  • Eyemask on, lights out it’s sleep time. 

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