Autumn/Winter 2017's fashion trends are looking seriously good. It’s a new aesthetic that will keep you on your toes and force you to become experimental within your wardrobe. Read on to get ahead of the fashion pack and begin planning your cool colour schemes.
Autumn/Winter 2017: Key Looks you need to know
From sequins and glistening mosaic aesthetics, metallic touches will add an element of glam to your wardrobe.
Like the pink trend, reds of all hues are set to overtake the fashion scene during the cooler months. This will add a fresh pop to the usual burgundy that we rock at this time of the year.
Photo credit: Regina Pisano
Last year blush pink dominated the fashion scene and quickly became everyone’s hue of choice. This autumn winter, blush is stepping it up and continuing its dominance alongside bright fuchsia and magentas.
Continuing from last year’s pastel trend, purples will hit the fashion scene with an impact.
Geometrics once again take on a retro sensibility and have complexity added whether it be created by combining colors, altering sizes or making them appear to be three-dimensional. Patchworking was also of importance, as well as geos printed on a faux texture.
Photo credit: Marjan Khaleeli
Stark, minimalist and straight to the point verbiage graphics are important for Fall, as their content is as strong as their presentation. Messages of change, power and attitude’s are key, as well as the ironic loss of branding.
Whether you've been out partying all night or not, you want your eyeliner to look like it.