5 Tips to help you Reduce your Ecological Impact


If you’ve been anywhere near the internet this week you will have heard Swedish teen, Greta Thunberg, convincingly warn us about the dangers of global warming and climate change. Alongside her, there was the UN Climate Action Summit held in NY which has shown us that global emissions are reaching record levels and continue to grow.

No matter your current lifestyle choices, we can all do more to become more sustainable. If you want to make some simple changes to your life, we’ve got five easy tips that can help you get started on your eco-journey immediately.


1. Get a reusable cup for your takeaway coffee.

Did you know, Australians use approximately 500 million disposable coffee cups a year? If you get 2-3 coffees a week, you could easily save 150 cups from landfill, just by using a reusable cup! Check out Frank Green or Keep Cup to find one you love, and then you just have to remember to put it in your bag!

2. Skip the car and take a walk instead.

While we’re talking morning coffees, taking a walk will not only will you feel better for getting active, you will be reducing car emissions. Even better than walking for your coffee is walking to work. If work is too far, pick up your colleague and carpool instead.


3. Make the switch from harsh chemical cleaners.

Is your laundry over-flowing with 20 different cleaners? Don’t worry you’re not alone! While it’s hard to believe, products such as Dr Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid soap and some warm water can be used in over 20 ways, from cleaning your dishes, to doing the washing and scrubbing your floors and showers. Best of all, this product is made from all natural ingredients such as hemp and coconut oil, which is good for the environment and good for you!

4. Swap tampons for Period Undies

A simple and cost-effective solution to reduce your impact to landfill is to swap tampons and pads for sustainable period underwear. Just 4-5 pairs will have a significant impact on the environment, saving over 10,000 tampons from landfill over the course of your life, not mention saving you thousands of dollars! There are heaps of options around, but we love Modibodi as they are an Australian company, doing their bit for the planet and people in need.

Mavala Skincare

5. Say no to plastic microbeads in your beauty and skincare.

Microbeads are small, solid, manufactured plastic particles and don’t degrade or dissolve in water. They are not captured by most wastewater treatment systems and then end up in rivers, lakes and oceans. Once in the water, microbeads can have a damaging effect on marine life, the environment and our own health and are almost impossible to remove. The best way to reduce their impact is to prevent them from entering the environment and choose a brand that cares about the environment. Here at Mavala, we consciously choose not to use microbeads ever as we know the long-term effects these have on the environment.

Up your eco-status and shop our 100% cruelty free beauty and skincare range here.